EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    Rehoboam’s rule over PK 92-6
    apostasy of, under Rehoboam PK 93-4
    Shiskak of Egypt plundered treasures of PK 94-5
    Abijah made king of PK 96, 107
    victorious in war with Jeroboam I PK 107
    Asa made king of PK 110
    Asa’s rule over PK 110-4
    Ethiopian army invaded, and was routed PK 110-2
    Azariah’s prophetic ministry to PK 112
    second reformation in, under King Asa PK 112
    Ramah taken from, by king of Israel PK 113
    unlawful alliance of, with Syria PK 113
    Hanani’s prophetic ministry to PK 113
    Jehoshaphat made king of PK 113, 190
    Jehoshaphat’s rule over PK 113, 190-203, 212
    reforms made in, under Jehoshaphat PK 190-2, 196-8
    tribute received by, from Philistia and Arabia PK 192
    alliance of, by marriage of Jehoshaphat’s son to daughter of Ahab PK 192-5, 212, 214
    Micaiah’s prophetic ministry to PK 195-6
    defeated in battle with Syrians PK 195-6, 207, 244