EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    seemed on verge of moral and national ruin PK 384-5
    Habakkuk’s prophetic ministry to PK 385-9
    Zephaniah’s prophetic ministry to PK 389-91
    Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry to PK 405, 407-64, 466-76;4T 164-85;
    reformation begun in, in eighteenth year of Josiah’s reign PK 383-405
       nearly a century after Hezekiah’s time PK 392
    Huldan’s prophetic ministry to PK 398-9
    Passover observed by PK 405
    Jehoahaz as king of PK 412
    Jehoiakim made king of, by king of Egypt PK 412;4T 181;
    Jehoiakim’s rule over PK 412-38
    Jehoiachin made king of, by Nebuchadnezzar PK 422, 438
    Zedekiah made king of, by Nebuchadnezzar PK 422, 439
    Zedekiah’s rule over PK 439-60;4T 181-5;
    Ezekiel’s prophetic ministry to PK 448-51, 464
    last king of, prophetic sentence pronounced on Ed 179;PK 451;
    Jerusalem besieged by Nebuchadnezzar’s armies PK 452;4T 181;
       in ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign PK 452
       third and last time PK 466
    Egyptians’ futile effort to rescue PK 452