EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    Jerusalem destroyed by armies of Nebuchadnezzar PK 452-63;4T 184;
       more than century after northern kingdom was destroyed PK 415
    temple was destroyed PK 459
       more than four centuries after it was built PK 459
    taken into Babylonian captivity DA 28;PK 296, 460-1;SR 195;5T 468;TM 75;
    Gedaliah as governor of remnant left in, for a few months PK 460
    remnant of, fled to Egypt PK 460-7
4. Israel as northern kingdom of
    ten northern tribes formed PK 88, 91, 99-100, 155, 279-80, 288
    lasted two centuries and more PK 279
    Jeroboam I made king of PK 87-91, 96
    Jeroboam I’s rule over PK 99-107, 282, 401
    Ahijah’s prophetic ministry to PK 87, 108-9
    apostasy of, under Jeroboam I PK 99-108
    golden calves worshiped by, at Bethel and Dan 2BC 1033;PK 99-102, 282, 285-6, 401-2;
    defeated in war with Judah PK 107
    spiritual decline of, was steady PK 109
    Nadab made king of, for a few months PK 109
    Baasha made himself king of PK 109-10
    many idolatrous practices adopted by PK 109