EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    King Pekah of Israel made war against PK 328-9, 648-9
    outlook for, dark PK 324
    alliance of, with King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria PK 329, 350
    doors of temple closed to, by Ahaz PK 330
    Hezekiah as king of PK 288-91, 331-66, 381, 677
    reformation in, under Hezekiah PK 334-9
    temple reopened to, by Hezekiah PK 332-3
    Passover celebrated by PK 288-91, 335-8
    Assyrian armies invaded PK 305, 329, 339
       a few years after Samaria fell PK 339
    tribute paid to Assyria by PK 350
    Hezekiah miraculously healed PK 342-4
    Babylonian ambassadors sent to PK 344-8
    Sennacherib’s army besieged Jerusalem and was destroyed PK 349-56
       toward close of Hezekiah’s reign PK 339
    Manasseh’s long reign over PK 381-3
    apostasy and persecution in PK 381-3
    Amon as king of PK 383
    Josiah made king of PK 383-4
    Josiah’s rule over PK 383-406, 412, 415