EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    prayer offered by, at time of incense DA 97;GC 412, 421;PP 353, 359, 367;
    precepts of God’s law set to music and chanted by PK 464-5
    precious lessons taught to, during sojourn at Sinai Ed 34
    prestige of, as nation has never been regained AA 379
    presumptuous madness of, in Isaiah’s time 4BC 1137
    priests and teachers turned, away from Christ COL 304
    promises of blessing given to, through obedience are for us MH 405
    promises of God to: condition of fulfillment of PP 311
       confirmed by oath PK 313
       given on condition of obedience PK 704;SD 39;1SM 218;SR 144;
    prophecies interpreted by, at dictate of proud and world-loving heart MB 2
    prophecies re restoration of, from Babylonian captivity PK 552-3
    prophets encouraged, in building second temple PK 567-81
    prosperity of: depended largely on king’s fidelity PP 753
       depended on obedience to God 1BC 1117;PK 704;PP 451, 463;4aSG 49;
       greatest, was when they acknowledged Jehovah as their King PP 605
       made conditional on obedience 2T 661
       promised on condition of faithfulness 2T 661
       secret of PK 500
       terms of PK 18;6T 222;