EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    remnant of idolatrous Canaanite people affected PP 544
    rending of, glory began to depart with PK 96
       wonderful history began with PK 97
    responded liberally with gifts to build sanctuary 6T 468
    restless under restraint 3T 360
    restoration of, in earth made new PK 720-1
    Restorer of, Christ declared Himself DA 211
    results of forgetting God by PK 20
    retribution that came upon, after rejection of Christ AA 379-80;COL 269, 295-6;EW 212-3;GC 17-38;PK 712-3;4T 192;
    richest heritage of, Scriptures of truth as PK 466
    robbed: God of service He required of her COL 291-2
       world of blessings God designed to give it COL 215
    rulers and judges of, were to enforce laws God had given PP 603
    rulers of: cruelty and greed of Ed 176
       had no authority to legislate for nation PP 603
       were to make precepts of God’s law their daily study PK 465
    Sabbath desecrated by TM 75
    Sabbath neglected by, during 40 years of wandering PP 410
    sabbatical year of, slaves set free in PP 532-3
    Sacred Oracles were committed to 8T 114