EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
       under David PP 747
       under Solomon 4aSG 98
    protected against fierce beasts of prey and venomous reptiles in wilderness wanderings PP 429
    provision made for all who renounced heathenism to connect with PP 507
    racked with internal strife when Christ was born DA 30
    reached height of greatness in reigns of David and Solomon Ed 48
    ready to ascribe their troubles to Moses PP 464
    rebellious, God bore long with 4BC 1155-6;TM 75;
    rebellious discontent of, recorded for our benefit 4T 11
    received God’s law but would not obey it LS 200
    refusal of, to obey in Malachi’s time PK 707
    refusing to keep God’s covenant, would cut herself off from Him COL 291
    relation that, was to sustain to surrounding people PK 568
    religious instruction given much attention by, after Babylonian captivity DA 29
    remnant of: faithful during exile PK 599
       God’s plan for, in last days PK 298-300
       likened to noble olive tree AA 377-8
       should be saved PK 309
       to whom covenant promises are to be fulfilled PK 22
       will be saved AA 376-82;PK 309-10;