EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
       into Samaritan woman’s mind at Jacob’s well DA 190
    flees from words honoring powers of darkness 1BC 1093
    flood of, given through science and art PP 113
    follow at any cost, from God 5T 93
    following given, greater light is received by GC 528
    for world isn’t worth much unless it is presented to them LS 210
    from God is full and waiting our demand upon it 1SM 28
    from heaven: condemns all who refuse to walk in it PP 608
       God works for persons who respond to PK 253
       Israel was to be used to be, to shine out to world in darkness PK 16
       need of constantly increasing 5T 746
       needed every hour ML 321
       this is time to look for 5T 728
    full and ample, from God awaits our demand 5T 71
    full blaze of, what he will find who deliberately wanders from God in ML 322
    gather, from God to shed on people in darkness 5T 14
    gather every ray of, that falls across your pathway CT 235
    give, to others ChS 21
    given him, each person will be judged according to AA 232;5BC 1145;DA 210, 737;SR 168;2T 689, 691;5T 624;TM 437;
    given in Scriptures, which men refuse to heed COL 265