EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
    given in Testimonies, result of neglecting 2T 606
    given only to persons who will reflect it Ev 144
    given re Sabbath 2T 693
    given through God’s servants DA 322
       sin of neglecting to cherish 4T 196-7
    given through God’s word DA 322
    given through Testimonies, neglect of 5T 666
    given to believers praying for victory 1T 178, 181
    given to church, man who exalts his own opinions above 3T 451
    given to fill whole earth with its glory, some claiming to believe present truth have despised TM 89
    given to God’s people, great demands everywhere made for 5T 203
    given to Israel was to shine out to dark places of earth 5T 454-5
    given to lighten whole earth with its glory was resisted by some SDA in 1888 1SM 234-5
    given us by God should grow brighter and not dimmer 5T 14
    given you, you are individually accountable for 5T 92
       zeal and faithfulness and devotion must correspond to 5T 717
    go forth and give, to people in darkness 9T 64
    God condemns person who sets aside or rejects 1T 116
    God does not give, to one man and leave rest of church in darkness 3T 414
    God does not send, to be lightly esteemed and trifled with 5T 258