EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Light (spiritual)   [1140]
       to be rejected or disregarded 3T 311
    God expects His people’s work to correspond with their TM 166
    God fills His ministers with GW 14
    God has appointed His people to give, to others ChS 21
    God has flashed, on pathway of all TM 437
    God has let, shine in last days 2T 399-400
    God has ordained that diffusion of, be dependent on efforts and offerings of partakers of heavenly gift PP 528
    God has precious, for His people at this time CSW 32
    God has walled His people about with, through Testimonies 5T 666
    God is one who causes, to shine into hearts SD 30
    God placed Joseph in Egypt in order that, might shine amid darkness of heathenism PP 217
    God tests and proves world by, given previous to Christ’s coming 2T 691
    God will discover, to more than two or three persons 1T 207
    God will give His people no more, until they follow that already given LS 199
    God’s condemnation comes when, is set aside or rejected 1T 116
    God’s people are to walk in, for they are reformers 7T 62
    God’s people should reveal, that is in them 7T 143
    God’s plan that persons who receive, shall impart it to people in darkness AA 134;6T 11;
    God’s purpose in giving, is that it may be diffused 1SM 129
    God’s word gives COL 415