EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medical missionary work   [365]
    line of, that sanitariums should do MM 179
    little companies should go forth to do 9T 172
    make small beginnings in, and enlarge as circumstances demand 6T 113
    making merchandise of, warning against MM 131
    men of faith and financial ability needed in 6T 113
    management in, need of wise and discriminating 8T 71
    means given to SDA for, take advantage of MM 328
    means needed in foreign fields should not be absorbed by Ev 523
    means needed in other lines of work should not be absorbed by 6T 290, 300
    mingling of worldly policy plans with, dishonors God MM 23-4
    ministers should take hold of CH 533;MM 241;
    ministers warned re neglect of 6T 298
    ministerial work will soon be limited to CH 533;WM 139;
    ministry of God’s word should not be superseded by Ev 523
    ministry needs, to demonstrate practical working of gospel 6T 289
    must advance together with gospel 6T 379
    must be bound up with: gospel message Ev 517;MM 252;WM 121;
       gospel ministry Ev 517;MM 240, 252;9T 220;WM 121, 337;
       gospel ministry as a whole 8T 163
       ministry of God’s word Ev 543;6T 301;