EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medical missionary work   [365]
       preaching of gospel CH 528;Ev 521-2;8T 168;
       proclamation of third angel’s message 6T 267;TM 416;WM 124;
       the ministry 6T 323
       work of third angel’s message MM 160
    needs to be all that its name signifies MM 243
    needs to be done for many souls 2SM 54
    needs to go forward 9T 168-9
    never separate, from gospel ministry CH 528;MM 159;1SM 112;6T 240, 288, 290;8T 158;
       from ministerial work CH 557;6T 291;
    not to become whole body MM 312
    objectives of CT 521;Ev 516-9;MH 144;
    opportunities for, during crisis of freedom of conscience CH 506
    opportunities for service presented by MYP 218;WM 126;
    opposition will be met in doing CH 527
    other lines of gospel work should not be neglected as result of WM 122
    pastors should instruct church members in WM 123
    persons engaged in CH 539
       Christ co-operates with Ev 413;7T 51;
       health of MM 292
       must be learners MM 200