EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medical missionary work   [365]
       must try to reach God’s standard MM 200
       not all, exalt God and His truth 8T 206
       sacred responsibility rests on MM 21
    persons should not be bound by, to any man who is a dictator 8T 164
    persons taking up, competent physicians thoroughly examine CT 473
    persons who feel prepared to do MM 91-2
    persons who should make application to engage in MM 76
    persons who should not be authorized to control any phase of 8T 168
    phase of, that sanitarium workers should do CD 282
    physician warned not to make, first in importance MM 159
    physician who gathered in disproportionately in TM 396-7
    physician who is not fit to do CH 213
    prayer and faith must be combined in MM 260
    preaching of the gospel should not be superseded by CH 528
    preparation for, people cannot afford to spend years in 9T 172
    privilege of doing your best to advance MM 154
    promises re 6T 289
    prosperity of, in God’s order 6T 299;TM 397;
    publishing work should not be superseded by Ev 547
    related to: church as right arm to body 8T 77