EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Roman Catholic Church abuses of, denounced by Duke George of Saxony before Diet of Worms GC 149-50    [237]
    churches of Piedmont subjected to GC 64
    civil and religious liberty’s most dangerous foe GC 566
    claim to infallibility will never be relinquished by GC 564
    claim to supremacy has not been relinquished by GC 448
    claims of, re pope GC 50-1
    clothed in Christlike garments, remains unchanged GC 571
    collaboration with, Protestants little understand results of GC 581
    confederacy of infidelity and Protestantism with 4BC 1141
    corrupted by seeking support of worldly powers GC 382
    corruptions of, Luther (Martin) chosen by God to expose 1T 372-3
    cross reverenced by GC 568
    cruel and revolting practices of GC 569
    customs and ceremonies of, Church of England adopted GC 289
    day of great enlightenment is favorable to GC 572-3
    deadly wound of, received in 1798 GC 439, 579
       will be healed GC 579
    destroyed records of her cruelty to dissenters GC 61-2
    determined to: destroy Luther (Martin) SR 343
       re-establish persecution GC 565-6
       regain control of world GC 565-6