EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    re-established by King Josiah 2BC 1039
    regulations re, written by Moses in book PP 466
    studied in schools of prophets PP 594
    types in, met antitype in Christ AA 227-8
    typified Saviour to come SD 225
    was: committed to Adam PP 364
       established when Adam sinned 3SG 295-6, 301;SR 145, 149;
       forever at end when Christ died DA 165, 757
       to lead man to repent and trust God for pardon through promised Redeemer SR 145-6
       waxing old when Christ was born DA 52
    whole (entire), Christ originated SR 273
       NT gives significance to SD 48
8. Unacceptable
    bloodless, Cain’s disobedience in presenting PP 72;3SG 48;SR 52-3;
    Cain’s, expressed no penitence for sin PP 72
    costing neither study nor prayer, God cannot accept 7T 190
    dead or dying, our bodies are not to be presented to God as CH 121;2T 65, 70;
    divided, God admits no 2T 49
    half a, God will not accept 1T 694
    having blemish, God refused to accept SL 29