EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    becomes pleasure: to youth who love Christ Ed 297
       when we accept Christ 1SM 353-4
    believer who makes, for Christ shows that he values eternal life too highly to risk losing it 4T 506-7
       which his conscience approves 4T 506-7
    believers having no property should also make, for God’s cause 1T 115
    believers making, for God’s cause will receive reward 2T 519
    blessedness of making, for God’s cause 1T 177
    bullock standing between plow and altar with inscription “Ready for either” 5T 307
    burden of, all gospel workers should bear 7T 208
    Christ did not consider His life too dear to give as 1T 166
    Christ gave Himself up as 6BC 1070
    Christ gave His life as daily, for men MYP 16
    Christ has not promised that we would not have to make Ev 240
    Christ is our SC 14
    Christ is our example in making 3T 387
       for good of others 3T 401
    Christ made, of everything for man to gain heaven MYP 98;3T 481;
    Christ offered to give Himself as, to save man EW 149-53;PP 63-70;SR 46-51;
    Christ was to offer Himself as, for fallen man AA 227-8
    Christ would have us give our lives as, for others CS 26