EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Sacrifice, Sacrifices   [652]
    lame, God hates 1T 195
       sacrifice that makes self and self-interest first is 1T 115
    Lord’s Supper supplanted by idolatrous, of mass GC 59, 189-90;SR 334;
    made by men to earn salvation are fallacies 7BC 913
    maimed, be determined not to bring to God a GW 114
       that costs neither effort nor prayer GW 114
    offered by Israel to the dead PP 684
    pressed, God wants no 1T 546
    without divine mediator, Cain’s sacrificial offering represented PP 71-3
9. Miscellaneous
    all should make, to advance God’s work 1T 192
    all true followers of Christ have to make 1T 288
    all will be shaken out who are not willing to make, for God and His cause EW 50
    altar of, be willing to swelter in weary furrow or to bleed on 5T 307
       is appointed place of meeting between God and soul CS 30
    angel’s life could not be accepted as, for sinful man PP 64-5, 66-7;4T 120-1;
    angels offered to become, for man EW 150;PP 64;
    are not acceptable to God except when offered in right spirit 4T 84
    be ready to make any, to give truth to others SC 78
    be willing to make, to save souls ChS 93-4