EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    Christ as our advocate in, pleads in our behalf 5T 316-7
    Christ as our mediator in, presents our prayers to Father CT 241;4T 528;
    Christ bears names of all His people on His heart in COL 148;GW 34;PP 351;
    Christ became minister of DA 166
       by virtue of His death and resurrection DA 165-6
    Christ carries forward His work in, notwithstanding Satan’s apparent triumph GW 26
    Christ completed one part of His intercessory work in, to enter upon another portion of His work GC 428-9
    Christ completes in, work He began by His death GC 489
    Christ entered, by His own blood when He ascended to heaven EW 260;GC 430;
       to make atonement for His people Ev 695;1SM 67;
    Christ in, now accepts our sacrifices, prayers, and confessions of faults and sins EW 48
    Christ intercedes (pleads) in, for His people AA 552-3;6BC 1078;7BC 930-1, 933;Ev 223;FE 370;GC 431;LS 278;1SM 258;TM 37, 92;
       for people who suffer physically or spiritually CH 221
    Christ is our Mediator and officiating High Priest in Father’s presence AA 586;7BC 913;4T 395;
    Christ looks down upon His people from FE 273
    Christ ministering in, look by faith to DA 277
    Christ ministers in: at God’s right hand GC 413
       for all who believe in Him as personal Saviour 7BC 931
       for true believers 7BC 931
       in our behalf GC 414