EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    Christ officiates in, for His people CH 221
    Christ our forerunner ministers in, for us before God’s throne GC 414
    Christ pleads efficacy of His blood in, for us FE 370
    Christ pleads His blood before Father in, for His people EW 38;PP 351;
    Christ removes sins of His people from, at close of His priestly ministration GC 422
       by virtue of His own blood GC 422
    Christ’s blood was to be offered by Him in EW 253
    Christ’s closing work in: first angel’s message of Rev. 14:7 announces GC 352
       immediately precedes second advent GC 352
       is removal or blotting out of sins of His people from heavenly records GC 352
       is work of judgment GC 352
    Christ’s final ministration in, as our High Priest Ev 223;LS 278;
    Christ’s great work of cleansing, from sins of His people 5T 575
    Christ’s intercession in, for His people 1SM 344
       is that of pierced and broken body and also of spotless life GC 416
    Christ’s priesthood in, how SDA pioneers received light re 1SM 206-7
    Christ’s priestly ministry in: all need knowledge of 7BC 913, 930-1;GC 431, 488;
       began after He had offered His life as sacrifice for sinners PP 343
       began when He ascended to heaven AA 38-9;EW 259-60;GC 420, 430, 489;PP 357, 367-8;
       careless and unbelieving Christians who are willingly ignorant of GC 430-1