EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       casts shadow backward on priestly ministry in earthly sanctuary AA 246-7
       change of, from holy place to most holy place in 1844 EW 55;GC 421, 427-9, 432-3;
       consists of two divisions GC 418-9;PP 357;
       correct understanding of, is foundation of SDA faith Ev 221
       Dan. 8:14 refers to closing work of LS 63;1T 58;
       each division of, occupies period of time and has distinctive place PP 357
       few people have real understanding of 7BC 932
       four angels hold four winds until close of EW 38
       heresy re, warning against 1SM 208
       is as essential as His death on cross GC 489
       Jews who could not be benefited by EW 260;GC 430;
       outpouring of Spirit on Pentecost signalized that, had begun AA 39;EW 260;
       Paul pointed his hearers beyond, to His second advent AA 228
       Paul preached re, in Corinth AA 246-7
       persons who would share benefits of, duty of GC 488
       priestly ministration in earthly sanctuary prefigured GC 413, 418-22, 428, 433;PK 684-5;PP 343, 352-8;SR 378;
       professed Christians who are willingly ignorant of GC 430
       same light that reveals true Sabbath reveals also TM 472
       sincere desire of all who come to Him in faith may be presented before God through GC 489
       time of trouble will begin shortly before close of EW 85