EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    what was done in type in earthly sanctuary is done in reality in GC 420
    when Christ leaves: all elements of strife will be let loose GC 614
       all who are holy and righteous will be holy and righteous still EW 48;GC 613-4;
       all who are unjust and filthy will be unjust and filthy still EW 48
       darkness (spiritual) will cover inhabitants of earth GC 614
       decree of Rev. 22:11 will go forth EW 48, 71
       God’s people will be sealed with His seal EW 48, 279;GC 613;
       restraint upon the wicked will be removed GC 614
       Satan will have full control of the finally impenitent GC 614
       Satan will plunge earth’s inhabitants into one great and final trouble GC 614
       sins of God’s people will be blotted out EW 48
       Spirit will have been withdrawn from world GC 614;1T 204;
       the righteous must live in sight of holy God without intercessor GC 614
       whole world will be involved in ruin more terrible than that which came on Jerusalem GC 614
       wicked will have passed boundary of their probation GC 614
    when Christ’s priestly ministry ceases in: characters of God’s people must be purified from sin by blood of sprinkling GC 425
       decree of Rev. 22:11 will be pronounced GC 613
       God’s people have finished their work in earth GC 613
       God’s people living on earth must stand in His sight without mediator GC 425
       He will come again AA 228;GC 485;