EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    See also High Priest; Priest
    balances of,
       character weighed in HP 130.6
       judgment by FLB 209.6
       See also Character; Judgment
       not followed as He should be into Mar 249.4
       pleading in, to be remembered when tempted HP 264.2
       work of, in, unworthiness sensed when we see HP 177.4
    church, cleansing of, from tobacco users Con 59.2
    cleansing of,
       join Christ in; do not surmise evil LHU 216.5
       people prepared during; character reviewed RC 296
       soul purification needed in harmony with Mar 249.4
    contempt for time of, inexcusable FLB 194.5
    decision in, to close probation, unnoticed Mar 264.2
    doctrine of, new theories will deny UL 199.4
    God will be, if obeyed and truth proclaimed TDG 336.4
    God’s message made known from TMK 101.2
    heavenly, interior of, shown to Isaiah in vision RC 338.2