EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       loyal commandment keepers have received seal of God GC 613
       mercy no longer pleads for guilty inhabitants of earth GC 613
       number of subjects of His kingdom is made up EW 280;GC 613-4;
       robes of God’s people must be spotless GC 425
       seven last plagues will be poured out EW 36, 52, 280-1;GC 627-8;
    while Christ ministers in: He is minister of church on earth by Spirit DA 166
       He is minister of His church on earth through His delegates 4T 393
       He works through Spirit working through His earthly messengers CH 545
    while sins of the penitent are being removed from, special work of purification is needed among God’s people on earth GC 425
    work going on in, are we awake to? 1SM 122
    work of, angelic host is connected with PP 347;4aSG 8;SR 154;
    work of atonement by Christ in: all need to be intelligent re 5T 575
       before His work for redemption of men is completed GC 421
       began when 2,300 days of Dan. 8:14 ended GC 421
       completion of GC 422, 490-1, 658;PP 358;
       for removal of sin from sanctuary GC 421-2;PP 357-8;
    work of judgment in: began in 1844 GC 436
       must continue till cases of the living and the dead are decided GC 436
       will extend to close of human probation GC 436
    work of judgment is going forward in Ev 223;GC 436;