EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Song, Songs Ed 159-68;Ev 496-12;    [352]
    war, from abyss below LS 191;2T 595;
       heard in impressive dream LS 191;2T 595;
    world’s use of, with mirth ending in weariness and disgust DA 148
    youth singing, that make angels weep 1T 506
2. Sacred
    Adam and Eve sang, of praise PP 50, 52;SR 22, 31;
    Adam will lead the redeemed in singing GC 648
    adapt, to opening minds of children DA 69
    agency appointed by God to prepare people for church above ML 286;MYP 265;5T 491;
    angels break forth in, over transformation of sinners COL 102;SD 282;TM 49-50;
       when mother succeeds in dealing with defiant child 7T 48
    angels cease to sing, when God’s people are discouraged or in peril EW 39
    angels ceased to sing, when man sinned PP 63
    angels join with God’s people in singing Ev 510
    angels joined with Adam and Eve in singing, in Eden SR 31
    angels listen to, sung by God’s people GW 171;6T 367;
    angels sang: when Christ announced plan to save man EW 126-7, 151;PP 65;
       when Christ ascended to heaven 5BC 1146;6BC 1053;DA 833, 835;EW 191;PP 476;4aSG 119;
       when Christ was born DA 48, 308, 406;GC 46;PP 65, 475;1SM 250, 303;Te 284;
       when Christ was raised from grave EW 182;1SM 303;