EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    why some ministers reject 1SM 46-7
    young ministers who despise 5T 61
    Bible seen surrounded (walled in) by, in dream LS 197-200;2T 605-6;5T 664;
    call attention to light already given in God’s word 2T 660-1
    harmonize with God’s word TM 402
    lesser light given to lead to the greater light CM 125
    never put, ahead of Bible Ev 256
    not given to: be addition to God’s word 4T 246;5T 663;
       belittle God’s word LS 199;2T 606;5T 665;
       give new light LS 198-9;2T 605, 660-1;5T 665;
       take place of Bible 5T 663-8
       take place of God’s word Ev 256
16. Results of rejecting
    agony during time of trouble of souls who have neglected 1SM 40
    blindness and fearful deception results from hatred for 3T 255, 266
    cannot be rejected or lightly treated without peril of infinite loss LS 324-5
    efforts to lessen force of, must be met in judgment 5T 19, 677
    God will remove, if His people reject them LS 201;2T 607;
    God’s blessing withdrawn when, are not heeded 5T 719