EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    light given in, by God 4T 391;5T 67, 68, 217, 681, 691;
    manner in which, were given 5T 654
    not based on information gathered by EGW from human sources 5T 683
    not influenced by hearsay in any way 2T 566
    origin of, no need of perplexity re 1SM 49-50
       no need of uncertainty and doubt re 4T 232
    source of: either of Spirit or of devil 4T 230;5T 98, 671;
       false statements re 5T 683
       God is 2T 93
       human wisdom is not TM 466
       no halfway work in matter of 4T 230;5T 671;
       questions re 3T 314-5
    Spirit indited 5T 221
    EGW not influenced by church members to write 5T 65-6
    “Who told Sister White these things?” 3T 314
18. Unfavorable attitudes toward
    acceptance of some parts of, while rejecting others 1T 234;5T 98, 683-91;9T 154;TM 42;
    attitude(s) toward, that insults Spirit 1SM 27
    benefits of, prejudice keeps many people from receiving 5T 695