EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    spirit of criticism toward, results of 1SM 42-3
    those who despise, left in blindness 3T 257-60;5T 682;
    unbelief re, shuts away light from God’s people 3T 255;5T 674;
    warnings in: blindness and self-deception result from rejection of 5T 682
       influences working indirectly to make of no effect 5T 719
       what will happen to rejecters of 5T 682
17. Source of
    accredited to human wisdom by some people LS 324-5
    allegation that: other persons influenced EGW in writing 1T 235
       parts of, are merely EGW’s opinion 5T 688
       EGW put her own words in 1T 234
       JW’s spirit and judgment molded 1SM 26;5T 63-4;
    angel spoke to EGW things contained in 3T 314
    do not express merely EGW’s own judgment or personal opinions 1SM 27;5T 64, 67, 683, 687-8;
    inspiration of 1SM 24-32, 50-2
       claims that were never made by SDA pioneers re 1SM 24
       claims that were never made by EGW re 1SM 24
       erroneous ideas re 1SM 23
    letters of: God gave messages in 5T 67
       Spirit prompted 5T 67