EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    instruction given in, results of failure to follow 1SM 41
       result of rejecting 2T 447
    lack of faith in, backsliding as result of 5T 675
    lack of purity and devotion among SDA as result of disregarding 5T 217
    loss of confidence in, drifting away from Bible truth as result of 5T 98, 674
    loss of faith in, leads to doubt re Scriptures 4T 211
       leads to skepticism re vital points of SDA faith 4T 211
    ministers deceived re, will deceive others 1SM 51-2
    neglect of, felt in time of trouble 1SM 40
       results of 1SM 40-1, 47-8;2T 604-6;5T 680-1;
    openly rejecting, is dangerous 5T 680
    peril of not heeding 5T 436
    peril of not receiving, in right spirit 5T 622
    persons rejecting, cannot see or hear aright 4aSG 37
    persons who regard, as merely EGW’s opinions 1SM 27
    rejection of: results of 4T 53-4;5T 678-80;
       shuts out light of heaven 5T 660
       shuts out Spirit from soul 1SM 46
    slighting, Christ is rejected by 5T 688
       some persons have died prematurely as result of 1SM 47-8