EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wealthy person, Wealthy persons   [291]
    do not praise, for spasmodic liberalities 1T 475-6
    duty of: re giving of Christmas gifts AH 483
       to consecrate their all to God CS 28
       to God and His cause CS 27
       to invest in God’s cause CS 151;2T 681;6T 452;
       to poor persons who have nothing to offer to God 1T 220
       to relieve persons in poverty WM 15
       to the needy COL 261
       to worthy poor 2SG 120-1, 153-6
       to use means to advance God’s cause LS 182;1T 481, 665;
    duty of self-denial and sacrificing does not rest solely upon 2SG 155
    duty of SDA to COL 230
    duty to help advance truth does not rest solely upon 1T 324
    efforts of, to conceal their wealth COL 103
    erroneous ideas held by some EW 122;1T 535-6;
    evangelistic work for Ev 556;9T 114-5;
    failure of, to relieve poor and oppressed WM 16
    families of, who do not enjoy comforts of life 2T 683
    feeling that only, can engage in public worship CS 160
    God can and will use human agencies to reach 6T 82-3