EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wealthy person, Wealthy persons   [291]
       wisdom and tact born of divine love are needed in 6T 257
       work with all persuasion possible in 9T 115
    gospel workers who should labor for 6T 257
    hatred of the poor for, evil results of Ed 44
    house-to-house work among, example of WM 72-3
    how, can enter God’s kingdom CS 157-8;2SG 243;
       may make life a spiritual success WM 20
    how God regards 1T 536-7
    humility is difficult for, to learn 7T 88
    indifferent too often to wants of others DA 639
    injustice of, toward the poor has root in selfishness COL 254
    liberality of, arising from selfish motive 1T 475
    looked upon anciently as favorites of heaven COL 394
    many people look upon, as hopeless MH 210
    Matthew was DA 273
    means given to, for blessing the needy instead of pampering pride and selfishness DA 639
    means of, may be transferred to heaven by investment in God’s cause 2T 681
       used to glorify self MH 212;9T 90;
    means used by, to indulge pride and love of display WM 209
    means will be brought for God by, when it is too late 1T 175