EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wealthy person, Wealthy persons   [291]
    God desires to use, in helping others 9T 114
    God dishonored by WM 16
    God does not condemn, if they acquire riches honestly MH 212
    God is converting, to SDA faith LS 182
    God moves, to use means to advance His work 1T 174;TM 197;
    God requires, to be faithful in tithes and offerings 5T 382
    God requires strict honesty of 1T 537
    God tests, by giving them rich bounties 5T 261
    God will move upon, to open doors for truth in large cities Ev 87
    God’s will plainly revealed to, in His word 2T 660
    gospel work for MM 243-5;6T 255-8;
       discouragements will be met in MH 215
       heartsickening revelations will be made in MH 215
       love and fear of God needed in 6T 255
       med. missionaries find opportunity for 6T 256
       personal effort must be put forth in MH 213
       physician’s duty re 6T 251
       refinement and courtesy needed in 6T 257
       that is to be done COL 230
       warning against discouragement in 6T 82