EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       spring: son Edson was nine months old LS 131;2SG 127-8;
       spring: son Edson left in care of Sr. Bonfoey 2SG 127
       spring: pressed by despondency 2SG 128-9
       June: visited Bro. Hastings at New Ipswich, N.H. 2SG 111-3;2SM 26;
       [June 29-30]: attended conf. at Sutton, Vt. LS 131-2;2SG 127, 130;2SM 26;
       [July]: attended meeting at Melbourne, Quebec (Canada East) LS 132;2SG 130;2SM 26;
       [July]: suffered from diseased throat LS 132-3;2SG 130;
       [July]: healed by prayer LS 133;2SG 130;
       [July]: visited E. P. Butler LS 133-5
       [July]: fanaticism met by LS 133-5;2SG 131-2;
       [July 6-7]: attended meeting at Johnson, Vt. LS 133-4;2SG 131-2, 144-6;
       [July]: at North Brookfield, N.Y. LS 135;2SG 132;
       [July]: found son Edson feeble and with Sr. Bonfoey LS 135
       [July]: visited Bro. Preston near Camden, N.Y. 2SG 133-4
       [July]: left for Oswego, N.Y. LS 135-6;2SG 133-5;
       [July]: at Oswego, N.Y. LS 136-7;2SG 135-6;
       summer: lived three months at home of Bro. Harris at Port Byron (Centerport), N.Y. LS 136-9;2SG 136-40;
       summer: sister Sarah was with White family LS 137
       [August]: son Edson healed of serious illness by prayer LS 136-7;2SG 136-8;
       [August]: husband of, sick with cholera LS 137;2SG 138;