EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       [January or February]: at Waitsfield, Vt. 2SG 146-7
       [January or February]: at Granville, Vt. 2SG 146-7
       [January or February]: attended meeting at Bethel, Vt. 2SG 147
       [February]: in Massachusetts 2SG 147
       [February-June]: at Paris, Me. LS 139-40;2SG 147-9;1T 89-90;
       [June]: at Topsham, Me. 2SG 149
       [June 12]: attended meeting at Boston, Mass. LS 141;2SG 149;
       [June 14-16]: attended meeting at Rocky Hill, Conn. LS 141;2SG 149;
       [June 17]: at Oswego, N.Y. 2SG 149
       June 17: visited Bro. Arnold at Volney, N.Y. 2SG 149
       [June 18-23]: attended meeting at Camden, N.Y. LS 141;2SG 149-50;
       June 21: Test. written at Camden, N.Y. by, re time setting 1SM 188
       [June]: visited Ira Abbey at Brookfield, N.Y. 2SG 150
       [June]: attended meeting at a home in Amsterdam, N.Y. 2SG 151
       [June 27-28]: attended conf. at West Milton, N.Y. LS 141;2SG 151-2;
       June 29: at West Milton, N.Y. 1SM 189
       summer: letter from, to Stockbridge Howland and family 2SG 149-51
       summer: lived several weeks at Ballston Spa, N.Y. LS 141;2SG 152;
       [Aug. 5]: set up housekeeping at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. LS 141;2SG 151-2;1T 90;
       [August]: A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views (in [August]. A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views (in EW 11-83) published by EW 85;1SM 60;