EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       [August]: greatly depressed in spirit LS 136;2SG 137-8;
       [August]: JW healed by prayer LS 137;2SG 139-40;
       [August]: read proofs and folded large sheets of Advent Review [August]. read proofs and folded large sheets of Advent Review LS 136-9;2SG 139-41;
       Sept. 7: at Oswego, N.Y. EW 69
       [September]: curiosity of passengers re, on packet boat 2SG 141-2
       [September]: at Utica, N.Y. LS 139;2SG 141-3;
       [September]: left son Edson with Clarissa Bonfoey at home of Bro. Abbey LS 139;2SG 143;
       Sept. [26-29]: attended conf. at Sutton, Vt. EW 52;LS 139;2SG 143;
       November: lived in house of Bro. [Andrews] in Paris, Me. LS 139-41;2SG 143-4;1T 89;
       —: trials and sufferings of LS 140;2SG 143-4;1T 89-90;
       [December]: Test. given to JW by, to continue publishing paper LS 140-1;2SG 148;1T 89-90;3T 9;
       [winter]: at home of Edward Andrews 1SM 207
       [winter]: angel’s hand laid upon head of EGW 1SM 207
3. From 1851 to 1861
    1851, January: at Boston, Mass. 2SG 144
       [Jan. 8-9]: at New Ipswich, N.H. 2SG 144
       [Jan. 11-12]: attended meeting at Washington, N.H. 2SG 144-5
       [Jan. 18-19]: attended meetings at Waterbury, Vt. 2SG 144-5
       [January]: suffered with cold in travels 2SG 144-5, 147
       [January]: jealousy against 2SG 145-7