EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
       [May 26-June 4]: attended meetings in Wisconsin LS 153-4;2SG 188-9, 191;1T 94-5, 116;
       —: Stephenson (J. M.) and Hall (D. P.) opposed, in Wisconsin 1T 116-7
       summer: in Rochester, N.Y. LS 154-5;2SG 191-2;
       —: publishing workers boarded in home of LS 154;2SG 191;
       —: home of, like hotel LS 165;2SG 211;
       August: Messenger party attacked August. Messenger party attacked LS 155;2SG 192;1T 95;
       Aug. 29: son William Clarence born to, at Rochester, N.Y. LS 155;2SG 192;1T 95;
    1855, —: at Rochester, N.Y. LS 157-8, 164;2SG 194-9, 211;1T 97-8, 101;
       —: enfeebled and burdened with care LS 157-8, 164-5;2SG 194-6;1T 101;
       —: nervous system of, prostrated LS 157;2SG 194;1T 96;
       —: troubled with cough and soreness of lungs LS 157, 159;2SG 194;1T 96;
       —: proposed that pub. work be managed by pub. committee LS 164;2SG 196;
       —: restoration of health of, EGW given vision re LS 158;2SG 198-9;1T 98;
       —: healed by prayer LS 158;2SG 199, 202;1T 98;
       —: experience of, in child management 2SG 212;1T 102;
       [July-October]: Review (vol. 7, Nos. 1-9) published by, at Rochester, N.Y. [July-October]. Review (vol. 7, Nos. 1-9) published by, at Rochester, N.Y. 2SG 196
       —: editor and proprietor of Review and Instructor . editor and proprietor of Review and Instructor 2SG 196;
       Aug. 26: Testimony warned, his health was in danger 3T 9-10
       [November]: moved to Battle Creek, Mich. LS 157, 159;2SG 197, 203;1T 97, 100;
       —: owed between $2,000 and $3,000 LS 157;2SG 197;1T 97;