EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
       —: lot acquired and house built by, with help of believers 1T 97
       —: prayer three times a day for recovery of health of 1T 98
       —: money loaned to, for establishing publishing work 2SG 205-6
       Dec. 1: salary of, $4.09 per week 2SG 205
       [December]: Review (vol. 7, Nos. 10-13) published by, at Battle Creek [December]. Review (vol. 7, Nos. 10-13) published by, at Battle Creek LS 157;2SG 205;1T 97;
    1856, May [23-27]: attended conf. in Battle Creek 2SG 207
       [June 7-8]: attended tent meeting at Monterey, Mich. 2SG 210
       —: returned to home in Battle Creek 2SG 211
       —: debts paid by LS 159;2SG 203;1T 100-1;
       —: captivity of, turned LS 159;2SG 203-6;1T 100;
       —: pub. work turned over to pub. committee by, as property of church 2SG 205
       November: attended conf. in Battle Creek LS 159;2SG 203;1T 100;
       November: healed wonderfully LS 159;2SG 203-4;1T 101;
       [Nov. 21-23]: attended meetings at Round Grove, Ill. LS 160;2SG 214-7;
       Nov. 23: at Round Grove, Ill. 2SG 214
       [mid-December]: attended meetings at Green Vale, Ill. 2SG 218
       [Dec. 19]: crossed Mississippi River by sleigh 2SG 218-9
       [Dec. 20]: spent Sabbath in hotel six miles from Dubuque, Iowa 2SG 219
       [Dec. 24-Jan. 2, 1857]: attended meetings at Waukon, Iowa LS 160-1;2SG 217, 219-22;
    1857, [January]: at Battle Creek LS 161;2SG 221;