EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
       spring: traveled in eastern part of USA 2SG 222
       spring: attended meetings at Boston, Mass. 2SG 222
       spring: returned to Battle Creek 2SG 222
       Oct. 8: attended meeting at Monterey, Mich. 2SG 238-9
       [October]: at Battle Creek 2SG 239
    1858, spring: traveled in Ohio LS 161-2;2SG 265;1T 234;
       [Feb. 26-Mar. 3]: attended conf. at Green Springs, Ohio LS 161;2SG 265;
       [Mar. 6-7]: attended conf. at Gilboa, Ohio LS 161;2SG 265;
       [Mar. 13-14]: attended conf. at Lovett’s Grove, Ohio LS 161-2;2SG 265-70;
       spring: took train at Freemont, Ohio 2SG 271
       [Mar. 16]: at Jackson, Mich. LS 162-3;2SG 271-2;
       June: attended conf. in Battle Creek, Mich. LS 163;2SG 272;
       August: attended conf. at Crane’s Grove, Ill. 2SG 273, 295a
    1860. Mar. [10-11]: at Tipton, Iowa 2SG 134
       summer: discouragements brought upon 2SG 297-8;1T 246-7;
       Sept. 20: son John Herbert born to LS 165;2SG 294a;1T 102-3, 244;
       [October]: plans of, to travel 2SG 294a;1T 244;
       [October]: Spirit impressed, re plan to travel 1T 228, 244
       —: fanaticism met by, at Mauston, Wis. 2SG 294a-5a;1T 228-9, 244-5;
       [November]: at Mackford, Wis. 2SG 295a;1T 245;