EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
    despondent over his errors and mistakes 1T 614
    devotion of: to building up God’s cause 3T 85
       to institutional work LS 248-9
       to third angel’s message 1T 246-7
    discouraged and desponding at times 3T 261
    discouraged by lack of support on part of brethren 1T 247
    dissatisfied feelings indulged by 1T 614
    doctrinal discourses given by 1T 75
    duty of, to write and preach 3T 502
    economy practiced by, in hotel and railway expense when traveling 4T 299
    enjoyed deep experience in advent movement 1T 75
    erred in dwelling on unpleasant past experiences 3T 97-8
    erred in giving way to despondency 3T 292
    erred sometimes in: giving too severe reproof 3T 508
       murmurings 3T 508
    erring mortal 2T 119
    faithful in duty to widows and orphans LS 243
    faithful servant of Christ 2SM 259
    faithful to reprove wrong 1T 320
    false accusations against 3T 89