EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
    false reports propagated against, on Pacific Coast of USA 3T 443
    falsely accused of enriching himself at expense of God’s cause 3T 89
    falsely charged with speculating 1T 236
    favored voting for temperance men for positions of trust 2SM 337;Te 255;
    firm for the right regardless of consequences LS 243;1T 320;
    God used, to build up His work LS 243
    great light given to, on Bible subjects 3T 85
       through Testimonies LS 242-3
    greater mental ability of, after recovery from affliction LS 244
    greatest curse that ever came upon 1T 557
    grew gray in God’s service 3T 312-3
    had masterly brain 2SM 306
    had valuable experience and qualities 4T 609
    health and life of, frequently endangered by his devotion to God’s cause 3T 85
    health of, seriously impaired by close study at school and lecturing prior to marriage 1T 75
    heaviest burden borne by, prior to organization of SDA 3T 501
    heavy burdens borne by, in pioneer days 3T 9-10
    how, rallied from paralysis three times 1T 105
    inclined to: become discouraged and distrustful 3T 96
       shrink from making efforts in accordance with his faith 1T 619-20