EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, James   [696]
    infirmity of, that displeased God 3T 97-8
    interests of brethren were guarded jealously by LS 243
    interests of many departments fostered by 4T 276
    jealousy and faultfinding against, at Battle Creek 3T 312
    judgment of, never regarded by EGW as infallible 1T 612
    kept no personal accounts 1T 607
    kind and helpful to the poor and needy LS 243
    labors, hardships, and trials of LS 242-4;3T 85, 501;
    laborer in advent movement LS 97
    last public service conducted by LS 251;1T 109;
    leader in early days of SDA Church 8T 237
    lectured often at Brunswick, Me., in early years of his ministry LS 105;2SG 88;1T 82;
    led unenjoyable life 3T 501
    lesson that, needed to learn more fully 3T 293
    lessons learned by, in affliction 1T 614-5
    liberal donations made by, to God’s cause LS 244;1T 607;
    Life of William Miller (book) by, quoted Life of William Miller (book) by, quoted GC 407
    living as miracle of mercy LS 195;3T 90-1;
    made counselor to God’s people 3T 317, 503
    made timid by fear and anxiety re his own case 1T 620