And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? (Luke 24:5)
Dead body, Dead bodies
cast out of tombs by earthquake when Christ died
DA 756
Dead generals
impersonation of, by devils
1T 364
Dead Sea
Israel encamped near Jordan River’s entrance into
PP 438
Dead to sin
it is easy living after you are
1T 131
Dead weights
how church members become
6T 425
meaning of, in signs recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke
EW 41
Indoor living
very poor business
MM 296
Living saints
Enoch and Elijah as types of See Elijah; Enoch
“Looking unto Jesus,”
as motto for Christians
7T 94
Luxurious living
blood corrupted by
4T 30