EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (unwholesome)   [194]
2. Ill effects of Ed 216;1T 618;3T 563;
    advocates of temperance reform should be awake to MH 335
    brain influenced CD 241;2SM 434;Te 138;
    brain nerve power taxed 2T 357
    brain’s vitality withdrawn to stomach 2T 357
    children’s animal passions excited 2T 362
    children’s lower passions excited CD 241
    conscience stupefied CD 426;FE 143;3T 569;
    crime caused CH 389-90
    defilement MH 280
    desire created for something stimulating MH 334
    digestive organs taxed 2T 68
    digestive organs weakened 3T 487
    dyspepsia 1T 681
    fretfulness in children CG 389
    healthy action of digestive organs destroyed Te 138
    heart’s finer feelings benumbed 2T 537-8
    intemperance CH 389-90;3T 487;
    laws of life and health violated Te 196
    laws of physical organism violated Ev 266;2SM 411;