EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (unwholesome)   [194]
    ill effects of CD 225;Te 49;
    gospel workers should not serve MH 309
    Herod Antipas loved Te 49
    moral faculties crippled by 4T 35
    much money spent for MH 207
    not best for children CD 340
    personal vigor debilitated by 4T 33-4
    SDA should not serve 4T 515
4. Rich
    good blood cannot be made by 2T 368
    gospel workers should not serve MH 309
    made too rich, warning against 2T 68
    not beneficial 2T 404
    objectionable 2SM 420
    people indulge increasing desire for CD 332
    SDA should not serve 4T 515
    sin of eating CG 398;1T 618;Te 138;
    EGW in 1864 did not use 4aSG 154
5. Rich (ill effects of) 1T 618;2T 485;Te 182-3;
    body’s healthy organs broken down CH 159;4aSG 132;