EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Food (unwholesome)   [194]
    lower propensities developed CH 576
    mental breakdown CD 122-3
    mind darkened 3T 569
    mind influenced CD 426;3T 569;
    nerves influenced CD 241;2SM 434;
    passions excited CD 241
    power to resist clamors of appetites and passions weakened FE 140
    reasoning faculties beclouded 4aSG 132
    stomach fretted and deranged 2T 537
    system taxed 2T 368
    temper soured 4aSG 132
    vitality withdrawn from brain to stomach 2T 357
3. Luxurious
    animal propensities strengthened by 4T 35;Te 145;
    athletes in ancient games forbidden to eat CD 27-8;4T 33;Te 144;
    avoid extravagance in providing CS 298
    avoid extravagant and health-destroying 3T 401
    enervating effects of Te 49
    erroneous idea re CD 31
    health injured by 1T 525