EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Parent, Parents   [2543]
1. Aged
2. Authority of
3. Classes of
4. Duty(s) and responsibility(s) of
5. Failing or neglecting to
6. Need
7. Need(s) or ought to
8. Need(s) or ought to be
9. Ought not to
10. Ought not to be
11. Work of
12. Miscellaneous
1. Aged
    abandoned or put to death in heathen lands PP 337
    child born to, disadvantages of MH 358
    children should aid and comfort ML 278;PP 308;
    children’s duty to AH 360-4;ML 278;1T 424;3T 120;
    entitled to more than food and shelter AH 360
    helpless, children’s privilege to care for AH 363-4
       sin of bringing grief to AH 360