EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Parent, Parents   [2543]
    exercise, judiciously CG 271
    exercise of: accountability for neglect re PP 578
       by father in ancient times PP 141
       by fathers AH 215
       Eli’s failure re PP 575-6
    father must not yield, on any point AH 212
    harsh measures not necessary to maintain CG 283;ML 164;
    how, over children is weakened 4T 103
    how long children should be subject to 1T 217
    lack of, leads children to disrespect school authority CG 98
    let children see that, must be respected CG 271
    love should be combined with, in family government AH 308
    maintain, by firm severity PK 236;5T 45;
    modern children and youth regard submission to, as evidence of weakness SD 143
    neglect and indifference re, children should confess their SD 60
    obedience to: importance of PP 142-3
       should be cultivated in youth CG 82
       should be inculcated in babyhood CG 82
    parental conduct that makes children despise 1T 217
    parental disposition that tends to break down 4T 203