EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Parent, Parents   [2543]
    rebellion against: anciently punished with death PP 310
       examples of, ever before youth PP 169
       results of 2BC 1009
       sin of 2BC 1009
       when children are disposed to SD 132
    rejection of rightful, is rejection of God’s authority PP 308;3T 232;5T 305;
    respect for, spirit that fails to inspire 2T 79
    should be absolute CG 262
    should not be selfish or arbitrary control PP 175-6
    teach and enforce, as first step in obedience to God PP 142-3
    things that lead children to disregard or despise CG 280;1T 217;
    train children to respect CG 224
    where, is lightly regarded God’s authority is not respected 5T 305
    young man who despised 4T 208
    young man’s duty re 2T 308
3. Classes of
    acting as if bereft of reason are many CD 399;MM 280;
    administering God’s law in home, blessings promised to SD 40
    administering severe punishment, children’s reaction to AH 308
    allowing (permitting) children to: be destructive, duty of CG 101-2