EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Parent, Parents   [2543]
       come and go as they please, rebuked 5T 305
       control home to great degree, duty of 5T 305
       do as they please practice veriest cruelty to them CG 326
       eat flesh foods and other harmful things, sow seeds producing disease and death 3T 136
       follow inclination 1T 393
       form wrong habits, reproved 5T 53
       go about streets on Sabbath for amusement, rebuked 5T 36-7
       grow up in ignorance, reproof for 2T 94
       grow up in ignorance, sin of 1T 398-9
       grow up in indolence, reproof for 2T 348-9
       grow up in uselessness and indolence 4T 97-8
       have nothing to do, sin of COL 345
       indulge passion, do not give them true love 2T 701
       lie in bed late in morning, mistake of 3T 151-2
       live to please, amuse, and glorify self CG 178
       visit alone with distant friends, mistake of 1T 401-2
    allowing children to follow bent of their own minds 3T 26
       are their worst enemies FE 52-3
    allowing disobedience to parental laws to go unpunished, sin of 1T 546-7
    angry, arouses child’s worst passions CG 245